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Hypnotherapy FOR Resilience and Reaction to Events in Life

Mr. Steven Rosebaugh, Certified Hypnotherapist and Counselor will examine with the client the powerful understanding of how one’s reaction to events can affect many other aspects of one’s personality and actions taken. It is defined as an action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event. Mr. Steve will share his technique of reminding oneself to be clear and upfront in responses to events.   They have consequences.

E + R = O             
Event + Response = Outcome

What is Resilience?

Resilience refers to both the process and the outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, according to the definition from the American Psychological Association (APA). It’s having the mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and the ability to adjust to both internal and external demands and events.

Origin of the word

The noun resilience, meaning ‘the act of rebounding’, was first used in the 1620s and was derived from ‘resiliens’, the present participle of Latin ‘resilire’, ‘to recoil or rebound’. In the 1640s, resilient was used to mean ‘springing back’. It had roots in the same Latin verb ‘resilire’, but was not used figuratively about individuals or groups of people until circa 1830 (1).

By 1824, the term had developed to encompass the meaning of ‘elasticity’ (2). By the mid-nineteenth century, resilient emerged as a technical term in the watchmaking industry, referring to flexible qualities of internal components that prevented excessive vibration. In the 1850s, resilient was used to describe being resistant or not susceptible to something.

Early resilience studies concentrated on qualities of the individual child or adolescent — the resilient child. The resilient child was described as invulnerable () or invincible (). Gradually, researchers came to view these terms as misleading for several reasons and have broadened or sharpened the concept of resilience.

Resilience can help protect you from various mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Resilience can also help offset factors that increase the risk of mental health conditions, such as being bullied or previous trauma.

Life is full of ups and downs, and how we react to events can shape our well-being and personal growth. Cultivating resilience allows us to navigate challenges, setbacks, and unexpected circumstances with strength and adaptability. Rather than being defeated by difficult circumstances, resilient individuals use them as opportunities for growth and transformation. By developing resilience, we can bounce back from adversity, maintain a positive outlook, and embrace life’s ever-changing nature.

Embracing resilience empowers us to view setbacks as opportunities for learning and personal development. It allows us to adapt to change, overcome obstacles, and emerge stronger than before. By recognizing that challenges are an inherent part of life, we can build resilience and transform adversity into stepping stones towards a more fulfilling and resilient existence.

Hypnotherapy can be a highly effective way to develop resilience. The benefits of hypnotherapy have been extensively studied.

Hypnotherapy is an accessible, powerful treatment approach to build self love, self confidence and self esteem.

At Unlocking Your Magical Sense, Individual Zoom therapy session(s) using Hypnotherapy techniques are integrated with THE METHOD (created by Mr. Steve).

Why Is It Important To Control Your Response To Events?

Exerting control over your response to events assumes paramount importance due to its profound implications on your individual well-being, interpersonal dynamics, and overall personal achievement. Here are several compelling reasons underlying the significance of maintaining such control:

  1. Emotional equilibrium: The ability to regulate your response enables the effective management of emotions. By circumventing impulsive or irrational reactions, you can avert unwarranted stress, anxiety, or anger. Consequently, exercising control empowers you to adopt healthier and more constructive approaches when confronted with challenging circumstances.

  2. Discerning decision-making: Your response to events significantly influences the decision-making process. Reacting impulsively or emotionally may cloud your judgment, resulting in regrettable choices. In contrast, by assuming control over your response, you can approach situations with clarity, consider diverse perspectives, and make informed, deliberate decisions.

  3. Nurturing relationships: The manner in which you respond to events reverberates through your interactions with others. Negative or aggressive reactions strain relationships, breed conflicts, and erode trust. Conversely, exercising control over your response empowers you to respond with empathy, understanding, and patience, thus fostering healthier and more positive connections.

  4. Personal development: Exerting control over your response facilitates personal growth by encouraging you to take ownership of your actions and reactions. It empowers you to align your responses with your values, goals, and aspirations. By opting for thoughtful and positive responses, you cultivate resilience, emotional intelligence, and improved coping mechanisms, paving the way for personal growth and self-enhancement.

  5. Influence over outcomes: Your response to events wields substantial influence over the outcomes you achieve. Through proactive and adaptable responses, you navigate challenges more effectively, identify viable solutions, and attain desired results. Moreover, your poised responses inspire others, engender positive change, and contribute to success across various domains, such as professional endeavors, educational pursuits, and interpersonal relationships.

The opposite of resilience is vulnerability. Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back, adapt, and recover from challenges or adversity. It involves having the strength, flexibility, and mental fortitude to withstand and overcome difficulties. On the other hand, vulnerability refers to a state of being susceptible to harm, emotional distress, or negative impact. It implies a lack of resistance or the inability to cope effectively with stressors or setbacks. While resilience empowers individuals to face and navigate adversity, vulnerability signifies a reduced capacity to withstand and recover from such challenges.

Why Do People Lack Resilience?

There are several factors that can contribute to individuals having poor resilience or response to events in life. Here are some common reasons:

  1. Lack of coping skills: Some people may not have developed effective coping skills to deal with stress, challenges, or adversity. Coping mechanisms such as problem-solving, seeking support, positive reframing, and self-care play a crucial role in building resilience. Without these skills, people may struggle to adapt and respond constructively to difficult events.

  2. Limited support network: The availability of a supportive network, including family, friends, or mentors, can significantly impact resilience. Having a strong support system provides emotional and practical assistance during challenging times, which helps individuals cope better with stressors. In the absence of a support network, people may find it more difficult to navigate and respond effectively to life events.

  3. Previous traumatic experiences: Past experiences of trauma or significant life events can impact an individual’s resilience. Trauma can affect one’s ability to cope with stress and adversity, leading to a heightened vulnerability or reduced capacity to respond effectively. Unresolved trauma can create emotional, psychological, and physiological barriers that hinder resilience in future events.

  4. Negative thought patterns: Pessimistic thinking, self-doubt, and negative self-talk can contribute to poor resilience. When individuals have a negative mindset, they may interpret events in a distorted or overly critical manner, leading to ineffective or maladaptive responses. Positive thinking, reframing, and cultivating a growth mindset can help improve resilience.

  5. Lack of self-care: Neglecting self-care, including physical, emotional, and mental well-being, can undermine resilience. Poor physical health, chronic stress, exhaustion, and emotional depletion can make it challenging to respond effectively to events. Prioritizing self-care activities, such as exercise, adequate rest, relaxation, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, can enhance resilience.

  6. Unrealistic expectations: Unrealistic expectations of oneself or the world can contribute to poor resilience. When individuals have rigid or perfectionistic beliefs, setbacks or failures may be perceived as personal shortcomings or insurmountable obstacles. Developing realistic expectations and cultivating self-compassion can foster greater resilience.

Being In The NOW With Hypnosis

With Mr. Steve’s distinct hypnotherapy method, you will learn to be in the NOW. To be in the present means to be aware and focused on the current moment, rather than dwelling on the past or continuously worrying about the future. It involves being fully engaged in what you are doing, and experiencing each moment as it is, without judgment or interpretation. Practicing being present in the now can help you reduce stress and anxiety, improve your relationships with others, and increase your overall sense of well-being.

When combined with mindfulness techniques, hypnosis can help individuals in become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations, and learn to observe them without judgment. The benefits of practicing mindfulness are available to everyone, but like any skill, mindfulness takes practice. When you work with a certified hypnotherapist in New York, you will have the guidance and support you need to feel more present and in the NOW.

Events + Response = Outcome. E+R=O

The equation “Events + Response = Outcome” is a simple way to understand how events and our response to them contribute to the ultimate outcome or result. It suggests that the outcome is not solely determined by the events themselves but also by how we choose to respond to those events.

Events: These are the external circumstances, situations, or events that occur in our lives. They can be positive, negative, or neutral and may include personal, professional, or environmental factors.

Response: This refers to our reaction, attitude, behavior, or actions in response to the events we encounter. It encompasses our thoughts, emotions, and choices in how we engage with and handle the given circumstances.

Outcome: The outcome represents the result or consequence that follows from the interaction between the events and our response. It can range from success, growth, and positive change to failure, setback, or stagnation.

The equation highlights that while we may not have control over the events themselves, we have agency over our response. By consciously choosing how we respond to events, we can influence the outcome. A thoughtful, resilient, and proactive response can lead to more favorable outcomes, whereas a reactive, negative, or passive response may yield less desirable results.

Mr. Steve is trained in many avenues of thought or techniques in trying to develop resilience, and especially in taking control of one’s response to an event. Through his work, he became intent on changing his life to a more joyful and creative one, especially one that had ME at the helm and not controlled by negativity, self-pity or being content in the way certain circumstances seem to be.

During hypnosis, a person is in a relaxed state of heightened suggestibility, allowing them to access their subconscious mind more easily.

Hypnotherapy can use positive suggestions to help a person take charge of his or her response to an event. These suggestions can help change negative thought patterns and build resilience.

Positive suggestions are a fundamental technique used in hypnotherapy to help individuals overcome negative beliefs and thought patterns that contribute to low self-esteem. These suggestions are designed to create positive changes in a person’s mindset by implanting positive thoughts and beliefs into their subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy For Increased Resilience And More At Unlocking Your Magical Sense

Are you finding yourself experiencing a disproportionately negative response to events? It’s time to take charge and transform your perspective. Embrace the power within you to shape your responses and navigate life’s challenges with resilience and optimism. Explore new strategies, seek support, and cultivate self-care practices that nourish your well-being. Remember, the way you respond to events can significantly influence your outcomes. Choose positivity, cultivate inner strength, and embrace a mindset of growth. Empower yourself to overcome adversity and create a more positive and fulfilling path forward. Start today and unleash your potential for a brighter tomorrow.

Whether you are seeking to build resilience, take control of your response to difficult situations, or aiming to enhance your overall well-being, Mr. Steve’s hypnotherapy offers a transformative path toward achieving more positive outcomes.

Recognize that you have the power to shape your responses and choose a more positive and resilient outlook. Start now and embark on a remarkable journey towards Unlocking Your Magical Sense and self-empowerment. Contact us today.